Where to Go When Peckish in Banbury

Now, I don’t normally do review round-ups, but I was leaving reviews on Google and TripAdvisor today* and figured they were worth mentioning. So, a few of my favourite places to go when I get peckish in Banbury.

Smash Cow Burgers (Lock29) – I speak with some considerable experience of burgers across many lands, including JG Melons in Manhattan, one of the greatest burgers of all time. And I say this to you – Smash Cow burgers are right up there in my top 5. They are – if I am honest – in my top 3. Exceptional burgers are, sadly a rarity in the world. Most hit the OK mark. Some are so focused on toppings that you begin to wonder if they aren’t just a wee bit unsure about how their key element – the patty – tastes.

Even more rare than exceptional burgers are exceptional burgers AND exceptional chips. Smash Cow manages both and I could not be happier to have it practically on my doorstep.

Pizza Calzone, (Parsons Street) – You know the expression, even bad pizza is pretty good? There is some truth to that. But it’s irrelevant when talking about Pizza Calzone because the pizza is top notch. And the calzone (which is essentially a pizza folded on to itself) is equally delicious. I am a particular fan of the mushroom and chicken options (or as they say pollo e fungi). On occasion, when I am not in the pizza mood (rare but not unknown), I have ordered a pasta dish or risotto. All well prepared and delicious – and in considerable portions. But the pizza is where things really shine so when in the mood – that’s where to go.

That said, I am also a fan of Jammin’ Pizza (Lock29). There’s something delightful about a personal size pizza, freshly made and enjoyed sitting out by the canal.

Banbury breakfasts for the win: I was going to do a while post about local breakfast/brunch options and I still may but I can’t leave them out of this entirely – because there are so many good ones these days.

Pinto Lounge (High Street) – has been moving up our breakfast rankings as well since the end of lock down. It was OK before, but they’ve raised their breakfast game and Lounge Eggs is one of the best ways to start the day. I would say – go earlier rather than later in the morning. It’s quite a popular place and when things get busy, eggs that should be runny can get a tad overcooked. Oh – and their iced coffee is divine.

Reg’s Cafe (Thorpe Way or Church Lane) has been one of our go-to weekend breakfast spots for a while now so we were pleased to see it open in town centre where even more people can enjoy their very substantial breakfast.

Van Jordans (Horse Fair) was our most recent breakfast discover and we’re here regularly now. Let’s get this out of the way first – their potato hash is the best breakfast side in town. I would almost go just for that. But they also have superb bacon (good in the full breakfast and even better in the bacon egg sandwich), really nice sausages and – GLORIANA – properly seasoned mushrooms.

Now I’m sort of peckish all over again. More coming soon. Post snack.

* if you want to help support indies near you – consider doing the same on a regular basis. People who are unhappy always leave reviews while at the same time people who are happy often forget so its easy for things to come across as unbalanced. If you had a great meal or a good customer service experience, why not take a minute or two to help balance things out.

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